Dream Keeper #1 (English version)

Dream Keeper is a fighting game made in 3 Days during the Mini Jam 177: Papercraft. 

There is 4 level + 1 bonus in it. You are the imaginary friend of a kid who keeps getting nightmares. Your goal is to stop them haunting the head of the child.

The game is in an early development phase, the combat style is not finished, there is no tutorial and the UI is the one from Unity.

For this Jam, those assets were made: 

Main Character: 

  • Idle pose and animation 
  • Attack animation 
  • Hurt animation 


  • Idle pose and animation 
  • One or multiple attack animation depending on the foe 
  • Hurt animation 
  • Transformation in their little self 

+ Decor and tree animation 

Modelisation and animation were done in blender, texturing in Adobe substance painter. 

Note: the version you can play is not what was submitted as this one already had correction (translation of “Soins” into “Heal” for example)

Concerning the programme : 

For the ennemies : 

  • Attack Spider (Attacks script of spider) 
  • Attack Cat (Attacks script of cat) 
  • Attack Dog (Attacks script of dog) 
  • Attack Goat Man (Attacks script of goat man) 
  • Attack Chimera (Attacks script of chimera) 

  • OpacitateurEnnemi (script that manages the opacity of the enemy life bar) 
  • EnnemiHealth (script that manages the lives of enemies)
  • EnnemiHealthBarre (script that manages the visual of the life bar) 


For the menu : 

  • Settings (Game menu) 
  • FauxSettings (False game menu) 
  • GameOver (Menu that appears when the player dies) 


For the Player : 

  • PlayerA (Attacks script for player of the scene of spider) 
  • PlayerB (Attacks script for player of the scene of cat) 
  • PlayerC (Attacks script for player of the scene of dog) 
  • PlayerD (Attacks script for player of the scene of goat man) 
  • PlayerE (Attacks script for player of the scene of chimera) 
  • OpacitateurPlayer (script that manages the opacity of the player life bar)
  • PlayerHealth (script that manages the lives of player) 
  • PlayerHealthbarre (script that manages the visual of the life bar)

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